News & Updates
Views and opinions about the key issues facing Nashville.
August 3 Election roundup
Early voting has started and runs through July 29. Election Day is August 3. There almost certainly will be a runoff for Mayor and Council At-Large. The runoff election will be on September 14 with early voting in the weeks before then. Everyone should plan on voting in both elections. Here’s who I am supporting and then a few thoughts about the Mayor’s race.
Substitute budget and proposed amendments
The Metro Council will finalize the annual operating budget at our meeting on June 20, 2023. You can read my May 22 post about the Mayor’s proposed budget here. The substitute budget proposed by Budget and Finance Committee Chair Kevin Rhoten begins on page 487 of the Amendments Packet for our meeting tomorrow. Proposed amendments 1 through 23 begin at page 524 of the same amendments packet.
Proposed FY2024 operating budget
Here’s what I’m watching in the Mayor’s proposed FY2024 operating budget…
Legalized gambling at the new stadium?
I’ve become convinced that the Titans intend to operate a live sportsbook gambling business at the new football stadium. I also think the Mayor’s Office knows this. The only conclusion I can reach is that they’ve decided to keep this part of the deal out of the public eye.
voting “NO” on the stadium
When the proposed football stadium comes up for a final vote on April 25, 2023, I’ll vote “NO.”
The full Council should decide whether to have a public hearing
At the Council meeting on April 4, 2023, CM Angie Henderson moved to hold a public hearing about the proposed $2+ billion dollar football stadium. The motion lost by one vote. I hope the Council reconsiders this and holds a public hearing at a full Council meeting.
Thank you Rep. Jones and Rep. Pearson
I watched the State House expel Rep. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson yesterday with mixed emotions. Anger. Sadness. Hope. Admiration. Disbelief was not on the list. Nobody should be surprised at how low the Republican super-majority in Tennessee can go.
Finance plans
On April 3, 2023, the Mayor’s Office will share what it is calling the finance plan for the football stadium. The Sports Authority was briefed on it a few days ago on March 28, 2023. I’m concerned that they are still intentionally hiding the ball on how much captured tax money will be controlled by the Titans through the course of the 30 year lease.
Dedicated stadium funding limits future transit spending
Over the weekend, a transit advocate took me aside to tell me that the funding plan for the proposed football stadium will eliminate a funding source for transit. I think they are right about that.
Council Shrink status
We are 2+ weeks into the forced Council shrinking and redistricting. Where are we and what’s next?
More about proposed stadium documents
Here are my previous posts about the proposed new football stadium:
Okay, what’s next?
Governor Lee signed the new law to shrink the size of the Metro Council on March 9, 2023. You can see the text of the final version in Section 1 of this document.
Mayor’s race
I have decided to not run for Mayor in 2023. Sue and I believe that joining the race is not the best way for our family to serve Nashville at this time.
Reject the proposed stadium deal
Since the non-binding term sheet for a new $2.1 billion football stadium was approved by the Council on December 20, 2022, we have all been waiting for the full, final documents to be submitted to the Council. That hasn’t happened yet.
While you were sleeping
While everyone is focused on a new football stadium and a new racetrack, the third biggest TIF loan in Nashville history is on the Council agenda next Tuesday, December 20.
No projections for you - follow up
In a previous post, I described how the Mayor’s Office has provided a one-page financial projection showing year-by-year tax revenues that would be captured for the new $2.1 billion stadium.
Links to stadium content
The webpage for the Council’s East Bank Stadium Committee is here. All of my posts about the proposed new $2.1 billion football stadium are here.
False start? Too soon for term sheet.
The Term Sheet for the proposed $2.1 billion new football stadium is not ready for Council approval.
No projections for you!
The Mayor’s Office has provided a one-page financial projection showing year-by-year tax revenues that will be captured for the $2.1 billion new stadium. They refuse to provide any year-by-year projections about how that tax money will be spent.