Only in Nashville…
Check out this email I received on Feb. 5, 2021 and the attached audio clip. The email says:
Friends and Colleagues,
This morning we held a COVID-19 vaccination event at our Napier Medical & Dental Clinic. An elderly gentleman, Mr. B., who lives at Room in the Inn asked if he could play his spoons while waiting for his COVID-19 vaccination. He then asked if he could sing, and he shared this song that we could hear from the waiting room all the way at the back of the clinic. We were giving him a ride back to Room in the Inn but happily held the van for his impromptu performance. Since we all need a “shot in the arm” of cheer, I wanted to share this audio.
Getting individuals like Mr. B scheduled and then transported to a vaccination site takes a lot of work. And there are an awful lot of Mr. B’s, many of whom (like him) are not connected to the health system. The effort to vaccinate Mr. B and everyone like him will take all of us in Nashville and Middle Tennessee – all pitching in to ensure we get shots in the arms of those most vulnerable. It’s hard and it’s extremely labor-intensive, but it’s what Tennessee is all about.
Thank you for your shared commitment to that goal, your work to help us achieve it, and your optimism that we will celebrate that collective accomplishment soon. We are so grateful for all you are doing!